by jim | Mar 18, 2016 | Ask Teak, Newsworthy, Teakwood Concierge
I’m afraid of jinxing it, but Spring seems to finally be here! Birds are chirping outside my window, trees are budding, and the squirrels are back to their normal fit and trim selves. Unfortunately, with the arrival of spring comes soggy lawns and dirt in...
by jim | Dec 31, 2015 | Newsworthy
Siena College’s protest of a Teakwood Builders billboard was Number 6 on a Forbes Magazine end-of-the-year Top Ten List: The Ten Most Ridiculous College Protests of 2015. Karin Agness, a Forbes writer covering “the intersection of women, policy and...
by Teakwood Builders | Oct 29, 2010 | Newsworthy
Over the summer, Teakwood Builders was approached by the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Northeast New York with a compelling request: Local fourth grader Jacob Shell was battling cancer and had wished for a new tree fort, and Teakwood was asked to help make the wish come...
by Teak News | May 30, 2007 | Awards & Recognition
In May 2007, Teakwood Builders was awarded the Regional Chrysalis Award in the Residential Interior category for a Team Entry with Plum & Crimson Fine Interior Design. Read the full article here. The scope of the Residential Interior Remodel Team Entry brought...